Beneath the surface – Do ESG ratings capture the risks and impacts of plastics?

02 Mai 2024


Year: 2024

Publisher: Facing Finance

Funded by: Plastic Solutions Fund

Supported by: #BreakFreeFromPlastic movement


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Download the assessments of the ESG rating providers included in this study:

Plastics Integration & Transparency – Assessment CDP

Plastics Integration & Transparency – Assessment ISS ESG

Plastics Integration & Transparency – Assessment LSEG

Plastics Integration & Transparency – Assessment MSCI

Plastics Integration & Transparency – Assessment S&P Global

Plastics Integration & Transparency – Assessment Sustainalytics


With this report, Facing Finance explores the intersection of ESG ratings and plastics by developing a framework for the assessment of ESG rating providers on how they address the pressing but often neglected issue of single-use plastics, including their environmental and social impacts and financial risks, in their ESG ratings. The study aims to provide insight into the extent to which the environmental and social impacts of single-use plastics are integrated into ESG ratings, as well as the level of transparency exhibited by ESG rating providers. Facing Finance also aims to encourage ESG rating providers to better integrate plastics-related criteria into their methodologies and analyses, and to demonstrate greater transparency and accountability. We also aspire to raise investor awareness of the importance of considering the environmental and social risks associated with single-use plastics when making investment decisions. Finally, the report is intended to serve as a useful resource for various stakeholders, including investors, non-profit organizations, academia, and government agencies concerned with single-use plastics.